Vram, PCB, VRM, trace, and cooling are all designed by the OEM manufacturer thus is considered as 'proprietary' hardware.
AMD Link connects your phone to your computer and its AMD-powered graphics card. SketchUp will perform better if you change your system to default to the AMD/NVIDIA card. When this occurs, not all expected displays will be available. Troubleshooting: As far as I understand the root cause of this should be Photoshop detecting the 256MB vRAM value the APU displays for legacy purposes.Is there any way to raise the vRAM to the card from the RAM like how it can be done on the 2200g/2400g. Newer laptops are increasing sporting dedicated graphics processing units (GPU) beside the integrated GPU.
Photoshop not detecting amd graphics card performance > tuning and turned down the gpu speeds from ~1300 to 1215 and that seemed to fix the driver timeouts for now.